Fall Time Cozy Time Book Tag

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I was tagged by Liam over at Liam’s Library and Marie over at Drizzle Hurricane Books to do the Fall Time Cozy Time Tag. Thank you both so much for tagging me! Make sure to stop by and check out both of these awesome book blogs! 😀

Also, I’m sorry for the lack of posts and slow comment replies over the last few days. I am sick again for the second time in a month and that’s caused me to run a bit behind in posting. 😦 Hopefully this will go away very soon and I can get things back to normal. Thanks for being patient! ❤

Crunching Leaves: The world is full of color. Choose a book that has reds, oranges, and yellows on the cover.


Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

I have not yet read this book (I’m still mildly terrified to), but I love the beautiful color scheme of the cover. Definitely very warm and reminiscent of fall!

Cozy Sweater: It’s finally cold enough to don warm, cozy clothing. What book gives you the warm fuzzies.

thecompletesherlockholmesThe Complete Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

I’m fairly sure that I use the Sherlock Holmes novels to answer far too many tag questions, but hey, they’re some of my favorites! These novels always give me the warm fuzzies no matter what time of year I read them, and for some reason, they always put me in mind of colder weather. They are the types of novels that make you want to curl up with a blanket and a warm cup of tea and read while it snows outside.

Fall Storm: The wind is howling and the rain is pounding. Choose your favorite book or genre that you like to read on a stormy day.

thechroniclesofnarniaOn a day like that, my favorite genre to read would definitely be fantasy; it’s the perfect sort of weather to sit inside and get lost in another world. In terms of specific books, I’d say any of the Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia books. Also, these are not fantasy books, but To Kill a Mockingbird and any of the Sherlock Holmes novels would be perfect as well. I’m sure I have shocked everyone by not being able to choose just one book! I’m usually so decisive… 😀

Cool Crisp Air: Who’s the coolest character you’d want to trade places with?

S04E10_-_Dany_(profile)This is tough to choose just one for; there are so many incredible characters out there! I think I would have to go with either Hermione Granger or Daenerys Targaryen. They are both awesome, strong, and completely badass female characters, and two of my all-time favorites. I also wouldn’t mind trading places with either Holmes or Watson; it would be awesome to work alongside the greatest detective ever, or get to be him!

Hot Apple Cider: What under hyped book do you want to see become the next biggest, hottest thing?

jackabyThis is another tough one for me because I’ve not read all that many under hyped books in recent years, or at least ones that I really enjoyed. If I had to pick one, I might say Jackaby by William Ritter. I read this book earlier this year and absolutely loved it. It’s such a fun, hilarious, and enjoyable read, filled with lovable characters and a world that I want everyone to discover. I’m not sure if this is under hyped, but I personally have not heard many people talking about it

Coats, Scarves, and Mittens: The weather has turned cold and it’s time to cover up. What’s the most embarrassing book cover you own that you like to keep hidden in public?

I honestly never really feel embarrassed over anything like books or movies or TV shows. I can’t think of any books that I’d feel the need to keep hidden; if I like it and want to read it, that’s all that matters. I’ll read what I want, gosh darn it! 🙂


Pumpkin Spice: What’s your favorite fall time comfort food/foods?

I am going to be extremely cliché here and say basically anything pumpkin related. Seriously though, I love pumpkin; I definitely have a pumpkin addiction. Pumpkin spice lattes are my absolute favorite fall time comfort food (drink). I also love pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins…if it has the word pumpkin in it, I probably like it!


I Tag:

Since I have been doing a lot of tags recently (and have many more coming!) and since fall is almost over, I’m not going to tag anyone specific. Instead, I tag everyone who wants to do it! If you do, make sure to link me to your post so I can check it out! 🙂


4 thoughts on “Fall Time Cozy Time Book Tag

  1. Pingback: Fall Time Cosy Time Book Tag – The Girls Got The Scoop

  2. Pingback: Fall Time Cozy Book Time – Chelle's Book Ramblings

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