The Inside Out Book Tag


I’m embarrassed to say, I’ve actually not yet watched this movie even though I’ve been wanting to for ages. I never got a chance to see it while it was in theaters, and I still haven’t gotten around to it. I’m definitely going to have to get on that now! I was tagged to do the Inside Out Book Tag by Michelle from Book Adventures. Thank you so much for the tag, Michelle! Please make sure to stop by and check out her blog—she is a great book blogger. 😀

Joy – A book that brings you joy.

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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Is anyone surprised at this point? …No? I’m definitely becoming quite predictable, but how could I not pick my favorite book of all time for this one? This is a sad story in many ways, but it is extremely heartwarming as well. Both the message and the actual text itself are truly beautiful. It also brings me joy due to the massive impact that it has had on my life. This novel, and its film for that matter, have inspired me in countless ways—more than I could have ever imagined. It makes me feel so good to read this story, no matter how many times I do so.

Sadness – A book that made you sad.

INSIDE OUT amonstercalls

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

I’m definitely finding that the older I get, the more frequently I cry during books and movies. However, for the longest time I rarely ever did. A Monster Calls was one of the first novels to really make me cry…and oh boy did I cry during this story. This is an incredibly sad but very beautiful and rewarding read—I cannot recommend it highly enough if you have not yet picked it up. Click here to read my full review of A Monster Calls!

Fear – A book that has truly scared you.

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The Shining by Stephen King

I’m going to have to agree with Michelle on this one and say The Shining. Even though I tend to think of myself as being super jumpy, I have never actually been scared by any books, movies, video games, etc. Despite that, I still absolutely love anything that falls into the thriller or horror categories, so my library of “scary” books is quite large. The Shining has come the closest by far to actually frightening me. It is an intriguing and incredibly chilling story that I highly recommend—Stephen King is an absolute master of the horror genre.

Disgust – A book that disgusted you.

INSIDE OUT fiftyshadesofgrey

Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

I can’t really think of any novels that I’ve read that have made me feel disgusted. So I’m going to have to fudge this one a little bit and choose a novel I have never—and absolutely will never—read. I’ve heard people read little excerpts from this series and I just don’t think I could ever stomach any part of this story.

Anger – A book that makes you angry.

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Gamer Girl by Mari Mancusi

This book…just…no. I’ve talked before about my tendency to go into the library and pick up books at random, and how sometimes I have found some new favorites. This was not one of those times. The idea of the plot could have made a fantastic story, but instead it was just a giant mess of clichés and annoying characters. The ending, which had the potential to be slightly redeeming for the plot as a whole, turned out to be just as predictable as the rest of the novel. On top of this, the writing itself felt as if it had never even been edited, and the author frequently used the same descriptions and phrases repeatedly within, at most, a page of each other. It was quite a frustrating read to say the least.

I Tag:

Heather @ The Sassy Book Geek

Umbreen @ Read by Umbreen

Bree @ The Literary Hellion

T.K. @ Read It or Not Reviews

Ashleigh @ A Frolic Through Fiction

Trisha @ The Bookgasm


5 thoughts on “The Inside Out Book Tag

  1. Stephen King is one of my favourite authors, and The Shining one of my favourite books by him. 😀 It seriously gave me the chills and I was “scared” of it for a long time (though that might have to do with the fact that I read it when I was much younger).


  2. Thanks for the tag! I’ve heard Fifty Shades started out as Twilight fanfiction, so I can’t imagine it’s any better than the original, especially considering the premise.

    Inside Out is a really good movie, if a bit slow at certain points. But to be honest, I love anything Pixar makes haha.


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